We know you might have a few questions about our campaign and the About Me standard. Read on for details about who can see About Me data, how to create your own profile and more.

Am I allowed to make an About Me profile for someone I am caring for?
Yes. A carer can support a person to make an About Me profile. The information can be documented by anyone with a legitimate interest in the person’s care and welfare.

Is About Me just a written record?
No. The About Me standard allows you to document multimedia files in addition to using free text. This includes videos and images.

Can professionals see this information in my shared care record?
Yes, if this information is shareable. At the moment, this is dependent on the digital systems the care provider is using. We are working on making About Me information universally shareable via all digital systems.
Yes, if this information is shareable. At the moment, this is dependent on the digital systems the care provider is using. We are working on making About Me information universally shareable via all digital systems.

I work at a care provider. Where can I find implementation guidance?
PRSB’s implementation guidance is available to download from the About Me standard webpage: https://theprsb.org/standards/aboutme/. The guidance supports implementation of About Me as part of a shared care record that is supported by other relevant standards.
PRSB’s implementation guidance is available to download from the About Me standard webpage: https://theprsb.org/standards/aboutme/. The guidance supports implementation of About Me as part of a shared care record that is supported by other relevant standards.

I am a system supplier. Where can I find implementation guidance?
PRSB’s Standards Partnership Scheme connects PRSB’s experts with system suppliers to support them through the process of adopting standards in their products. Suppliers can undergo a conformance assessment process to demonstrate how well the About Me standard is integrated into their product, with specialist guidance from our independent assessors. Visit www.theprsb.org/partnerscheme for more information.
PRSB’s Standards Partnership Scheme connects PRSB’s experts with system suppliers to support them through the process of adopting standards in their products. Suppliers can undergo a conformance assessment process to demonstrate how well the About Me standard is integrated into their product, with specialist guidance from our independent assessors. Visit www.theprsb.org/partnerscheme for more information.

Who can see my data?
Your About Me data should be shared with professionals at care providers who are involved in delivering your care. Clinical and professional staff should inform you that relevant personal information will be shared within the health or care team, including administrative and other staff who support them to provide care, unless you do not consent to this information being shared.
Your About Me data should be shared with professionals at care providers who are involved in delivering your care. Clinical and professional staff should inform you that relevant personal information will be shared within the health or care team, including administrative and other staff who support them to provide care, unless you do not consent to this information being shared.

I use a care passport, do I need an About Me profile as well?
The About Me standard is complementary to a care passport and other similar records. The standard ensures that the information filled into your care passport is consistent and standardised, so that it can be shared across the system, avoiding the need for a person to repeat this information every time they interact with services. In time, we hope that the developers of care passports and similar products, align their products to the About Me standard so that information is consistent.
The About Me standard is complementary to a care passport and other similar records. The standard ensures that the information filled into your care passport is consistent and standardised, so that it can be shared across the system, avoiding the need for a person to repeat this information every time they interact with services. In time, we hope that the developers of care passports and similar products, align their products to the About Me standard so that information is consistent.

If you would like to tell us your story or you have a question that you have not seen answered on this page, please get in touch with us using the form below.